Garden of Smiles

Grove Patterson Academy has a community garden called the Garden of Smiles.  It is located to the west of our school.  Students and families are encouraged to go to the garden in order to help care for it.  You may bring your mower from home or email Mrs. Houser @ and she will get the key to the shed for you.  The garden also needs weeding throughout the summer.  If you help in the garden, you may then pick what you would like, if there is anything ready for picking. Our garden depends on volunteers and donations to be able to exist.If you would like to help in the garden at anytime, please email Mrs. Houser.  She can guide you as to what needs to be done.  If you don’t have your own tools, you may ask her for the keys to the shed.  There are times that we do group work and events in the garden.  Those will be posted on the PTO’s Facebook Page.  Mrs. Houser may post things that need to be done on the Facebook page asking for help.  Feel free to respond to her posts!!The Garden of Smiles is our garden!  You may work in the garden as much as you like.  We WELCOME your help!!  There’s always something to be done.  A great bonus is that you DO GET VOLUNTEER HOURS for helping in the garden or donating items for the garden!